
5 Signs That You Have Bed Bugs in Your Home


Bed bugs are tiny, elusive pests that can wreak havoc on your peace of mind and well-being.

These nocturnal insects feed on the blood of humans and animals, and while they don’t transmit diseases, their presence can lead to sleepless nights, itchy bites, and a general sense of discomfort.

Detecting a bed bug infestation early is crucial for effective eradication. Here are five telltale signs that you may have bed bugs in your home.

Unexplained Bites and Itchy Skin

Bed-bug-removalOne of the first signs that you might have bed bugs is waking up with unexplained bites and itchy skin. Bed bugs are expert hitchhikers and can easily find their way into your home through luggage, clothing, or used furniture.

While their bites are not always immediately noticeable, they often manifest as small, red welts that are accompanied by intense itching. Bed bug bites typically appear in clusters or lines on exposed areas of the skin, such as the face, neck, arms, and hands.

It’s important to note that not everyone reacts to bed bug bites in the same way. While some people may develop visible welts and itching, others may show no reaction at all. Therefore, it’s crucial to consider other signs alongside bites when trying to determine if bed bugs are present in your home.

Rusty or Dark Stains on Sheets and Mattresses

Bed bugs are not only bloodsuckers, but they also leave behind evidence of their presence. After feeding, bed bugs excrete tiny amounts of blood, which can appear as rusty or dark stains on your sheets, pillowcases, and mattresses. These stains are often concentrated in areas where bed bugs hide or rest, such as along seams and crevices.

To inspect for these stains, carefully examine your bedding and mattress. Dark spots or smears that resemble ink blots are potential indicators of a bed bug infestation. Keep in mind that these stains may not be limited to the bed itself; they can also be found on nearby furniture, walls, and even curtains.

Musty Odor in the Bedroom

A distinct, sweet, musty odor is another sign that bed bugs may have taken residence in your home. Bed bugs release pheromones, and when their population increases, the scent can become more noticeable. While individual bed bugs may not produce a strong odor, a large infestation can lead to an unpleasant smell in the affected area.

To identify this scent, pay attention to any unusual odors in your bedroom, especially around the bed and nearby furniture. If you notice a musty or sweet smell that you can’t attribute to any other source, it’s worth investigating further for a potential bed bug infestation.

Small, Creamy-White Eggs and Shed Skins

Bed bugs go through several life stages, including egg, nymph, and adult. If you suspect a bed bug infestation, inspect your sleeping area for signs of their reproductive activities.

Bed bug eggs are tiny, oval-shaped, and usually a pearly white color. They are often found in clusters, tucked away in cracks, crevices, or other hidden locations near the bed.

In addition to eggs, bed bugs shed their exoskeletons as they grow. These exoskeletons, or skins, are translucent and can be found near their hiding spots. Spotting these discarded skins is a clear indication that bed bugs are actively reproducing and growing in number.

Regularly inspecting the seams, folds, and other hidden areas of your mattress, box spring, and nearby furniture will increase your chances of identifying bed bug eggs and shed skins early on.

Small Reddish-Brown Bugs in Hiding Places

The most direct evidence of a bed bug infestation is, of course, finding the bugs themselves. Adult bed bugs are small, flat, and oval-shaped, with a reddish-brown color. They are approximately the size of an apple seed, making them difficult to spot with the naked eye, especially during the daytime when they prefer to hide.

To search for bed bugs, use a flashlight and carefully inspect the seams, folds, and tufts of your mattress and box spring. Check the cracks and crevices of nearby furniture, as well as the spaces behind baseboards and electrical outlets.

If you notice small, reddish-brown bugs, it’s a clear indication of a bed bug infestation.


3 Best Digital Marketing Strategies for Pest Control

Did you know that 97% of consumers search for local businesses online? In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for any business, including pest control companies.

If you want to attract more customers and stay ahead of the competition, it’s essential to implement effective digital marketing strategies.

In this discussion, we will explore the three best digital marketing strategies for pest control that will help you reach your target audience, increase brand visibility, and ultimately, drive more leads and conversions.

So, whether you’re a small local pest control company or a larger operation, keep reading to discover the key strategies that will help you succeed in the digital landscape.

Key Takeaways

  1. – Utilize social media advertising to reach your target audience and maximize your advertising budget
  2. – Optimize your local SEO through Google My Business to improve visibility and make it easier for potential customers to find your business
  3. – Implement a targeted content marketing strategy to engage and educate your audience, positioning yourself as a trusted authority in pest control
  4. – Utilize influencer partnerships to tap into new audiences and gain credibility through endorsements from trusted influencers

 Social Media Advertising

To effectively reach your target audience and increase brand awareness, social media advertising is an essential strategy for pest control businesses. With social media targeting, you can specifically tailor your ads to reach individuals who are most likely to be interested in your services. This allows you to maximize your advertising budget and ensure that your message is reaching the right people at the right time.

One of the key advantages of social media advertising is the ability to optimize your ad campaigns. Through continuous monitoring and analysis, you can make data-driven decisions to improve the performance of your ads. By analyzing metrics such as click-through rates, engagement, and conversions, you can identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments. This could involve tweaking the targeting parameters, refining your ad copy, or experimenting with different visual elements.

Furthermore, social media platforms provide a wealth of tools and features to help you optimize your ad campaigns. From A/B testing to retargeting, you have the ability to test different strategies and refine your approach based on real-time results. By constantly monitoring and optimizing your ad campaigns, you can ensure that you’re getting the most out of your advertising efforts and maximizing your return on investment.

 Local SEO Optimization

How can you optimize your local SEO to ensure your pest control business stands out in online search results? One of the most effective ways is by utilizing Google My Business. This free tool allows you to create a detailed business profile that will appear in Google’s search results and maps. By providing accurate and up-to-date information such as your address, phone number, and operating hours, you can help potential customers find your business easily. Additionally, Google My Business allows you to showcase photos of your services, which can help attract more customers.

Another crucial aspect of local SEO optimization is online reviews. Positive reviews not only improve your business’s reputation but also increase your visibility in search results. Encourage your satisfied customers to leave reviews on platforms such as Google, Yelp, or Facebook. Responding to these reviews and addressing any negative feedback shows potential customers that you value their opinions and are committed to providing excellent service.

Content Marketing

Utilize a targeted content marketing strategy to effectively engage and educate your audience about pest control solutions. Content marketing is a powerful tool that allows you to create and distribute valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain your target audience. By incorporating emotional elements into your content, you can further enhance its impact and connect with your audience on a deeper level.

Here are three ways to evoke emotion in your content:

  • Tell compelling stories: Share real-life experiences of customers who’ve dealt with pest problems and how your solutions helped them overcome their challenges. These stories will resonate with your audience and make your brand more relatable.
  • Use visual elements: Incorporate high-quality images and videos that visually depict the impact of pests and how your services can help eliminate them. Visual content is more likely to evoke emotions and leave a lasting impression.
  • Offer practical tips and advice: Provide useful information and actionable tips on how to prevent and manage common pest issues. By empowering your audience with knowledge, you can position yourself as a trusted authority and build credibility.

To amplify the reach of your content, consider leveraging email marketing and influencer partnerships. Email marketing allows you to directly engage with your audience and nurture relationships, while influencer partnerships can help you tap into new audiences and gain credibility through endorsements.

implementing a combination of social media advertising, local SEO optimization, and content marketing can greatly enhance the digital marketing efforts for pest control businesses.

By utilizing targeted ads on platforms like Facebook and Instagram, optimizing website content for local search queries, and creating informative and engaging content, pest control companies can effectively reach their target audience and increase their online visibility.

These strategies won’t only attract more customers but also establish credibility and trust in the industry.

So, don’t let your digital marketing efforts become infested with inefficiency; follow these strategies and watch your business soar!

wasp pest control

Wasp Pest Control – What You Need to Know

wasp pest control

If you live in a home or commercial property, wasp pest control may be necessary. These insects have been known to sting many times and can be quite aggressive. Often, these pests nest in voids and feed on flies. Fortunately, you can prevent infestations by following the tips listed in this article. Listed below are some helpful tips for wasp pest control. Once you have identified the nesting sites, you can contact a professional pest control service.

Wasps can sting multiple times

Did you know that wasps can sting several times? This is true even if they are not aggressive towards humans? A wasp’s stinger is a modified ovipositor that doesn’t detach from the bee. Wasps are able to sting multiple times, but they usually only do so when they sense a threat to their nest or to themselves. A wasp sting is immediately painful, but the venom the wasp injects into the affected area is systemic, meaning that it spreads throughout the body.

They are aggressive

Though wasps are not among the most destructive pests, they are nonetheless very aggressive. These little insects can be a nuisance, because they relentlessly pursue the food that humans and pets eat. The number of wasps in a given area can be so large that even completing simple chores outdoors can be a nightmare. Additionally, wasps can be a source of anxiety and mental stress. It’s not surprising, therefore, that wasp pest control is so important.

They nest in voids

Wasps can nest in a void in your roof. These insects usually nest at the intersection of the dormer roof and main roof, although they can sometimes be found inside the main roof, too. Taking the necessary precautions is crucial if you are attempting to control these pests. However, if you think you have spotted a wasp nest in a void and want to take action, you should consider contacting a pest control company for assistance.

They eat flies

Did you know that wasps eat flies? Wasps eat a wide variety of insects and other insects and have been used for centuries for pest control. While some species are highly specific in their hunting patterns, social wasps feed on a wide range of insects. They feed on flies and other insects in their hives. A wasp nest is an ideal place to use wasps as a pest control tool because they do not bite humans and do not bother pets.

They are invasive

Wasps are a common pest and you can easily spot their presence by looking for wasp nests around your home. These nests resemble honeycombs and are small and rounded. When a wasp nest is present, it is very likely that the hive is active. In the spring, the queen will emerge, followed by the emerging workers. The emerging males and workers will then start searching for food.

They can be dangerous to humans

Wasps and bees can be harmful to humans. The venom produced by these insects is capable of paralyzing the insect prey they sting, but they are not adapted to stinging man. Still, their stings can be painful. In some cases, the sting may cause a mild swelling of the affected area, or an allergic reaction resulting in anaphylactic shock.


Commercial Exterminators Phoenix AZ Specialists

When it comes to commercial exterminators Phoenix AZ pest control, it is best to hire professionals to take care of your commercial space and manage pest control. This opting gives you a lot of advantages.

First, it offers benefits to your time, finances and the overall quality of life that you get from enjoying your place of business to the fullest.

Instead of doing these responsibilities all by yourself, you’ll realize that it’s much more practical and smarter to hire those who already have the tools, the training, and the experience to carry out each job successfully.

There’s no place for guesswork when it comes to making sure your grass and garden stay healthy and your yard looks lush and visually appealing.

There’s definitely no way you can simply do trial-and-error when it comes to pest control. When you call in the experts, you can be sure that they will apply solutions that are specific to your problem.

They’re armed with the right equipment and tools to achieve your objectives effectively. They’re trained to follow standards and systems that ensure the best outcomes for the job.

You eliminate waste of time and money, and you avoid putting your property and health in danger when you get professionals to do it for you.

Commercial pest control maintenance can often require the use of equipment and solutions that require special handling and application and processes that, more often than not, can only be done correctly by trained and experienced specialists.

If you try to handle these chemicals and tools without sufficient knowledge, you might be putting the health and safety of your business space in danger.

When you work with pest control pros, you can be sure that they will be closely following regulations that reduce the exposure of humans and the natural environment to toxic chemicals and hazardous processes.


How To Efficiently Rid Known Commercial Pests


Rodents (mice/rats) – A thorough cleanup is in order to eliminate the factors that might draw these pests to your property. Additionally, you must ensure that all your outdoor trash bins are always tightly closed.




Bees – By default, bees are harmless and ONLY attack when disturbed.

Usually, they just stick to certain areas. But then, if you have spotted beehives being built in various parts of your property, you certainly have a huge problem.

Though they can keep to their activities and territory, your staff members might not be able to use your outdoor space a lot – which should not be the case at all.

Of course, when you have an employee who has an allergy to bee stings, you could not their safety.

Most pest control experts say that the best solution is to hire an exterminator to deal with such a problem. This expert can safely and efficiently remove beehives without harming the bees.

Termites – When dealing with these pests, know that there are already a lot of treatment solutions that are accessible in the market today. But, in case the termite infestation is almost huge, consider getting help from pest exterminators.



get the best Pest control Company in Phoenix

Watchdog Pest Control

3542 East Altadena Avenue
Phoenix, Az. 85028

(602) 842-5290


Best Practices for Treating Bed Bugs

Bed Bug Treatment

What are bed bugs?

Bed bugs are small oval shaped, wingless, six-legged parasitic insects which are look like fleas and small cockroaches. It is mostly brown and looks like a squeezebox. They suck blood from both human beings and animals hence can be found on any residential place such as homes, hotels, student dormitories, motels and guest houses. They are no respecter of hygiene hence can infest any type of residence as their primary need is blood. They are confined in the bed room hence the name bed bug but can also be found in living rooms or closets.

What do they like?

They like breeding in any furniture that is made from fabric and wood. Besides, they like a warm and most environment though bed bugs can adapt and survive in a cold environment. They are too clever that they take advantage of their small size and squeeze themselves into deep spaces of the bed or furniture thus making it very difficult to identify and kill.


How we get them

Despite the attempts that have been made to get rid of bed bugs, they have kept coming back every now and then. This are some of the ways they are transmitted;

  • Through purchase of used or second-hand furniture that may contain bed bugs.
  • Through travelling hence transmitting the bed bugs from your home to your destination or from some place to your home.
  • Moving to a new home where the new home may contain bed bugs.

How to control Bed Bugs

Many methods have been used in the past to treat bed bugs in the past without much success. Among them maintaining a high level of hygiene has been tried but not with much success as their aim is sucking blood and don’t care your level of cleanliness. Also throwing away furniture has been tried but has proved not an effective way to treat bed bugs as they can still breed and come back to the house.

How to effectively treat bed bugs with help of a specialist

  • Using steamers to kill them with temperatures ranging from 115 to 180 degrees.
  • Freezing of up to -110 degrees.
  • Use of pyrethroids that have same effects as pyrethrum.
  • Aerosol or concentrated forms of Dichlorvos.
  • Use of Malathion.

Here are some of the simple ways to prevent infestation of bed bugs

  • If you planning to buy a house, prefer that that has not been used over one year as bed bugs can’t survive for 18months without food.
  • Regularly inspect your beddings just to be sure you don’t have them.
  • Do not just pick furniture and mattresses that have been discarded.
  • Choose new furniture over second hand furniture.

Bed bugs are not as small as their size.

Bed Bug Growth

They are small in size but very creative and tactile as they can even identify chemicals and run away before treatment targets them.

Do not underestimate bed bugs!

For effective treatment, contact a professional and stay free from bed bugs!!! such as Pest Pro Thermal


Contributed by: Ace1PestControl – Foremost experts in bed bugs and all things pest related.

Finding and Preventing Bed Bugs

Where Bedbugs Hide in Cars

One of the lesser known places that you can harbour a bed bug infestation, is inside your car. Despite their misleading name, bed bugs can actually infest any area where they are sheltered by weather conditions and have easy, regular access to their food source: human blood. This means that they can live in your carpets, your couches, your bed and, yes, even your car.


How do they get into your car in the first place?


It’s commonplace for bed bugs to follow their food source. Human beings are the most common carrier of bed bugs, and their number one method of travel, to anywhere, not just your car. If you’ve come into contact with an infestation, bed bugs can attach to your skin, hang to your clothes, or grip your hair. From here, they can be deposited in your car. Alternatively, bed bugs can be transferred to your car via household items, such as children’s stuffed toys, or cushions.


Once they’ve made a home for themselves inside your car, you’ll be hard pressed to get them to leave, since cars in regular use can provide all the nutrition the critters need to survive, thrive and procreate- they can even survive in winter, unless you live somewhere where the air temperature is well below freezing for the whole season. 

Where should you be looking for bed bugs in your car?


Bed bugs can create nests in the seams between the seats, in cup holders and storage vessels in your car- but they can hide anywhere. More often than not, however, they’ll be taking shelter in any removable upholstery you have on the seats, or underneath, and around, the floor mats, and underneath the seats. 


How do you clean your car to get rid of bed bugs?


Since bed bugs can live pretty much anywhere in your car, you need to be pretty thorough in your efforts to remove the little blighters, otherwise they will just repopulate your vehicle- even if you only leave one or two, or miss a couple of eggs here and there. Here are the steps you can take to clean your car and hopefully get rid of your bed bug infestation for good:


  1. Remove any removable fabric components, such as seat covers and floor mats, vacuum them, and wash them at a high heat to kill any bed bugs they continue to harbour.
  2. Vacuum the inside of your car with a high-power vacuum. It needs to have strong suction, since you’re likely to miss some bed bugs and, more likely, their eggs, if you can’t quite reach certain areas, and your vacuum has a low suction power. Make sure to focus on your floor, in the seams between your seats, and anywhere else which is made of fabric or soft material.
  3. Wash your headboard, seats, compartments and crevices with a cloth and warm soapy water.


If you want to do it yourself, the above method is your best bet. However, if you want to ensure that your car is bed bug free, it’s always best to rely on the professionals, who usually offer a warranty in case some bed bugs are missed during the first treatment.


About The Author

Rick Blackham is the owner of Mantis Pest Solutions a pest control company in Overland Park, KS.  Rick has over 20+ years of experience in pest control through owning his own companies and working for companies such as Terminix and Orkin.

Image result for orillia public library

Orillia Public Library hosting event focused on wellness, learning and peace

Image result for orillia public library
Wellness Fair will be held Saturday; Free event will showcase the benefits of mindfulness and self-care from local experts.

Drop by the Orillia Public Library for a day of wellness, learning and peace at our Wellness Fair on Saturday, Sept. 7 from 10 a.m.to 3:30 p.m.

Explore the benefits of mindfulness and self-care by visiting the many experts that will be on hand to help guide you towards wellness.

Click here to visit the schedule of events that includes presentations and workshops on wellness topics including essential oils, weight loss, healing, yoga and various types of meditation.

Everyone is welcome to attend this free event.

The Orillia Public Library is located in downtown Orillia at 36 Mississaga St. W.

Pest Control Orillia

The warm has long been the envy of American looking to escape the cold of more eastern provinces. But the conditions that make Orillia appealing to humans are exactly the same that make it an ideal home for pests who wouldn’t be able to survive the cold dry winters further east.

The dense vegetation that covers much of Orillia is home to a wealth of wildlife and associated pests that thrive in the temperate climate. As AZ’s primary gateway to Pacific trade, Orillia harbours also offer some unique challenges for pest control and require continuous monitoring and prevention to ensure that infestations don’t take hold.

There’s nothing quite as frustrating as a pest problem. They can become a huge issue, whether you’re a homeowner or a business manager. That’s why Natural Pest Solutions offers pest control services in Orillia and the surrounding areas like. If you find unwanted rodents, insects, or other wildlife on your property, give us a call. We offer flexible hours so you can call us any time of day, any day of the week.

Natural Pest Solutions
Orillia, ON, Canada
(705) 242-4653

Kelowna’s 5 Best Neighbourhoods

Kelowna is part of the Regional District of Central Okanagan which also includes Peachland, Lake Country, West Kelowna, and unincorporated communities on both sides of Okanagan Lake. Kelowna is the largest community in the Regional District with a population of 131,600.

Recent outcomes of the Citizen Survey rate the quality of life in Kelowna as good or very good thanks to active/recreational opportunities, safety, its accessible location, job opportunities, and the great weather. As a desirable place to live, offering an active four-season lifestyle, Kelowna remains one of Canada’s fastest-growing cities.

The City of Kelowna is open to opportunities, open for business and open to new ideas from diverse residents.

West Kelowna Estates

West Kelowna Estates has been one of Kelowna’s best-kept secrets for a while now, but with the highly sought-after Mar Jok Elementary plus the long-established Rose Valley Elementary School, young families are flocking to this neighborhood for its lifestyle and relative affordability. Snapping up a mix of west coast contemporary homes built in the 1980’s and the newer homes being built in the Rose Valley neighborhood, the supply and demand dynamics of this neighborhood are extremely strong.

The Mission
Homes in The Mission appreciate on reputation alone. If you’re new to Kelowna and ask someone where you should be looking, undoubtedly the Mission will be on the shortlist. With lots of new commercial in the south Pandosy Village and some new grocery stops a little further south, the missions only drawback, being far from the things you need is really no longer a thing.

Black Mountain
Black Mountain’s spike in average sales price has to do with the bulk of the sales being in the new home category which naturally sells for higher price points. There’s an old saying that all boats rise with the tide, so as these more expensive homes increase in price, so too does the older stock.

Rutland & Glenrosa
Rutland and Glenrosa trade on affordability. The large jump in price is attributed to the fact that many first time buyers or buyers coming in from less expensive markets will focus their attention on the only neighborhoods where $500,000 can still buy a house with a decent sized yard and room to park some toys. These neighborhoods offer a great sense of community and are quickly shaking their reputations for being on the wrong side of the proverbial tracks.



Natural Pest Solutions offers safe, effective Kelowna Pest Control services for both residential and commercial properties. Our trained technicians provide the most up-to-date treatments ensuring all customers pest issues are solved in a timely manor. We employ Kelowna Exterminators that specialize in rodent control and elimination focusing on pest entry points, ant, wasp, and spider treatments, and proactive measures like our Residential Pest Program. We guarantee our customers amazing results with 100% satisfaction! Services include interior and exterior pest treatments along with wildlife removal and sanitation clean-ups involving rodent and pigeon waste.

Natural Pest Solutions
Suite #1 2160 Wilkinson St.
Kelowna, BC. V1Y-3Z8
phone 778-760-1356

Experience Nature’s Gift in Salmon Arm

A Salmon Arm getaway combines outstanding wilderness scenery, endless recreation, and top-notch urban amenities – all enriched by a friendly, warm, and welcoming community. Enjoy unique boutique shopping, cozy bistros, theatres, and open-air venues. Farmers’ markets and specialty food shops feature locally grown and organic options for your culinary pleasure.
Walking and hiking trails are plentiful in and around town – a stroll along Canada’s longest wooden inland curved wharf is a must! There are many more trails within minutes of the city center – for walking, hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding, snowshoeing, and XC skiing. Snowmobilers can head to Fly Hills for 200 km of sled trails. Cyclists will love riding our winding, low-traffic roads, and the natural scenery is outstanding.
Music-lovers will thrill at the Salmon Arm Roots & Blues Festival, an event that attracts over 25,000 people every year.
Public art galleries, private studios, and retail shops showcase our large and talented artisan community – you’ll want to add to your art collection and bring home a memento or two. Salmon Arm will delight you, no matter what your style!



Many homes in Salmon Arm experience problems with pests and need assistance with pest control and termite control.
The most common breed of mouse in Salmon Arm is the house mouse. They vary in colour from white to grey, and light brown to black. These critters have a strong sense of hearing and communicate with other mice by squealing — some audible to humans and extend to an ultrasonic range.
Did you know that house mice are known for their quick reproduction? One female house mouse has the ability to produce up to 8 litters per year!
Our technicians are more than just mouse catchers! They have the structural know-how and hands-on skills to provide permanent solutions to most structural deficiencies that might be causing mice to come inside.

Natural Pest Solutions
Salmon Arm, BC, Canada
(778) 765-2999

Protect Your Business, Rodents Are On Their Way

Rats and other species of rodents can have a devastating impact on businesses, particularly those operating within the food industry. Not only can they cause an outbreak of foodborne illnesses, due to the diseases they spread, but they can also have a negative effect on brand reputation, operating costs and revenue.

The research showed that out of all the different species of pests, rats are the most destructive pest for businesses.

Why are rats the world’s most destructive pest?
It may or may not shock you to learn that 49% of businesses report electrical damage caused by rodents.

Rats have a pair of continuously growing incisor teeth in both their upper and lower jaw. As a result, they have to continuously gnaw on objects to wear them down and prevent them from becoming too long.

Rats and mice are known to gnaw on electrical cables. Not only is this a major fire hazard when they gnaw through to the copper and the wires short out, but it can also result in the failure of electrical equipment leading to production downtime.

The findings from our report showed the true impact rodent infestations can have on a business.
Over a quarter of the businesses, we surveyed reported the damage to electrical equipment following a rat infestation, with nearly half of them confirming that the damage caused to machinery was directly caused by rats.
For businesses operating in the food industry, and in particular food manufacturing facilities, this can have a large impact on the production cycle. Our survey discovered that food-focused businesses lost an average of 8 working days due to rat infestations.
It’s not just the food industry which can be affected by rodents, as 20% of all the businesses we surveyed reported machine downtime.


Natural Pest Solutions
Lakeview Heights, West Kelowna, BC V1Z
(778) 760-1646